一、 个人简介
沈阳药科大学药剂学博士。在Journal of controlled release、 Journal of materials chemistry B、Molecular pharmaceutics等发表科研论文20余篇。先后主持国家自然科学基金青年项目,青岛市博士后研究人员应用研究项目等各类课题2项。Journal of drug delivery science and technology, International journal of nanomedicine, Theranostics等杂志审稿人。E-mail: zangxinlong@126.com, Tel: 13998324926(微信同号).
1. 肿瘤免疫治疗
2. 纳米靶向药物
[1] K.K. Li, X.L. Zang, X.J. Meng, Y.F. Li, Y. Xie, X.H. Chen, Targeted delivery of quercetin by biotinylated mixed micelles for non-small cell lung cancer treatment, DRUG DELIVERY 29(1) (2022) 970-985.
[2] X.L. Zang, J.X. Song, Y.F. Li, Y.T. Han, Targeting necroptosis as an alternative strategy in tumor treatment: From drugs to nanoparticles, JOURNAL OF CONTROLLED RELEASE 349 (2022) 213-226.
[3] Y.F. Li, X.L. Zang, J.X. Song, Y. Xie, X.H. Chen, antitumor efficiency in triple negative breast cancer, JOURNAL OF DRUG DELIVERY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 74 (2022).
[4] X.L. Zang, J.X. Song, X. Yi, J. Piyu, Polymeric indoximod based prodrug nanoparticles with doxorubicin entrapment for inducing immunogenic cell death and improving the immunotherapy of breast cancer, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B 10(12) (2022) 2019-2027.
[5] X.L. Zang, M.Y. Cheng, X.X. Zhang, X.H. Chen, Quercetin nanoformulations: a promising strategy for tumor therapy, FOOD & FUNCTION 12(15) (2021) 6664-6681.
[6] X.L. Zang, M.Y. Cheng, X.X. Zhang, X.H. Chen, Targeting macrophages using nanoparticles: a potential therapeutic strategy for atherosclerosis, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B 9(15) (2021) 3284-3294.
[7] X.L. Zang, J.Y. Zhou, X.X. Zhang, D.W. Chen, Y.T. Han, X.H. Chen, Dual-targeting tumor cells and tumor associated macrophages with lipid coated calcium zoledronate for enhanced lung cancer chemoimmunotherapy, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS 594 (2021).
[8] X.L. Zang, J.Y. Zhou, X.X. Zhang, Y.T. Han, X.H. Chen, Ischemia Reperfusion Injury: Opportunities for Nanoparticles, ACS BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE & ENGINEERING 6(12) (2020) 6528-6539.
(1)一种MiR155递送系统及其抗肿瘤应用 (申请中).